
Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis.

  1. Microbes

    Cold noses nurture colds

    The common cold infects the nose. Scientists long have known the virus grows better there, but not why. Now, a study finds the body’s defenses simply don’t work as well under the nose’s slightly cooler temperatures.

  2. Computing

    Virtual wounds: Computers probe healing

    To better understand how the body heals wounds, scientists have begun creating computer programs that let virtual cells fight it out. These ‘computer games’ could lead to better medicines.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Scientists say: Inflammation

    When cells are injured, they send out distress signals. The rescuing cells cause more blood to flow to the area, producing inflammation.

  4. Animals

    Scientists say: Hibernaculum

    This week’s word is hibernaculum, the word scientists use to describe the place where an animal goes to hibernate.

  5. Brain

    Learning rewires the brain

    Brain cells actually change shape as we learn. It’s one way we cement new knowledge. And much of the action happens as we sleep.

  6. Fossils

    Hot-blooded dinos? Try lukewarm

    New study finds these reptiles may have had an internal furnace that sort of resembled some sharks. It appeared to run neither hot nor cold.

  7. Genetics

    Owww! The science of pain

    No one likes pain, but it keeps us alive. That’s why scientists want to learn how best to coexist with this complicated and still somewhat mysterious sensation.

  8. Animals

    Move over cheetah: Mite sets new speed record

    A super-speedy species sprints faster than any other land animal — for its size, a new study finds. Scientists may someday tap this tiny mite’s technique to create robots and other devices that zip around at sensational speeds!

  9. Brain

    ‘Study drugs’ can be dangerous

    The misuse of these ADHD medicines not only constitutes cheating, but they can become addictive and can mess with your head.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: The teenage body clock

    Around puberty, a change in the body clock of adolescents and teens makes it hard for them to fall asleep as early as they used to.

  11. Brain

    Respecting the body’s clocks

    Daily rhythms affect everything from the time we wake to how well we perform in sports.

  12. Brain

    The teenage brain

    Adolescence triggers brain — and behavioral — changes that few kids or adults understand.
