Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.
- Health & Medicine
Teen finds the ‘shape’ of our beating hearts
Kevin Lee used math to probe how the shape of a beating heart relates to electrical signals from the brain. He unveiled it at the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search.
- Brain
‘Study drugs’ can be dangerous
The misuse of these ADHD medicines not only constitutes cheating, but they can become addictive and can mess with your head.
- Brain
Explainer: Our bodies’ internal clocks
Biological clocks determine hunger, sleepiness and other daily rhythms.
- Brain
The teenage brain
Adolescence triggers brain — and behavioral — changes that few kids or adults understand.
- Health & Medicine
Blood does a body good
Studies of the superfluid aid in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
By Sarah Webb - Science & Society
Scientist profile: Leroy Hood
The inventor of the DNA sequencing technique, and Albert Lasker Awardee, embarks on the next big challenge.
- Animals
Secrets of the world’s extreme divers
For emperor penguins and other animals, being able to hold their breath the longest could be in the blood
By Roberta Kwok - Life
Full-body taste
Turns out that the tongue isn’t the only place where the body can taste what you ate.
By Douglas Fox - Health & Medicine
A framework for growing bone
A promising new material could help encourage damaged or broken bones to grow back.
By Emily Sohn