
  1. Animals

    The tiniest serpent

    The smallest species of snake ever discovered lives on the Caribbean island of Barbados.

  2. Animals

    From dipping to fishing

    Scientists retool thinking about chimp innovation.

  3. Animals

    Blooming jellies

    Jellyfish and other gooey marine creatures are showing up in new places, and scientists are trying to discover why.

  4. Animals

    Listening to birdsong

    Among certain finches, a lady bird knows when a gentleman bird is sending subtle messages in his calls—ones that people can't detect.

  5. Animals

    Explainer: Jelly vs. jellyfish: What’s the difference?

    Not all jellies are jellyfish

  6. Animals

    Animal CSI or from science lab to crime lab

    Scientists are finding new ways to help stop poachers from hunting endangered animals.

  7. Animals

    Diving, rolling and floating, alligator style

    Alligators use the muscles around their lungs in a surprising way—to help them move quickly and smoothly through the swamps and waterways in which they live.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Mind-reading machine

    Researchers have used brain scans to measure how the brain "sees" pictures—and to try to predict what a person is looking at.

  9. Ecosystems

    When fungi and algae marry

    Lichens live in nearly every environment on Earth, but scientists are still discovering basic information about them.

  10. Animals

    Deep krill

    Scientists were surprised to find Antarctic krill lurking at the bottom of the sea.

  11. Animals

    A ‘book’ on every living thing

    The biggest encyclopedia ever, with an entry for every living species, is available now at a computer near you.

  12. Fossils

    Flight without sonar

    An ancient bat fossil suggests that bats were flying before they were echolocating.
