Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Physics

    Scientists Say: Infrared

    Infrared light belongs to a part of the spectrum that people can’t see. But this kind of light can be used to “see” the heat signatures of objects.

  2. Brain

    Scientists Say: Ventral striatum

    The ventral striatum is an area of the brain that plays an important role in mood, learning and addiction. It has a lot of dopamine, a chemical messenger.

  3. Earth

    Scientists Say: Upwelling

    This is a process in which a substance rises and spreads out over something else. Upwelling happens in the ocean, inside the Earth and even in a planet’s atmosphere.

  4. Animals

    Scientists Say: Krill

    Krill are small crustaceans in the ocean. They are an important food source for other larger animals, and their tiny swimming motions can mix nutrients in the sea.

  5. Genetics

    Scientists Say: Intron

    These are sections of DNA that are trimmed out before the DNA is copied RNA and translated into protein. But they still have important jobs to do.

  6. Space

    Scientists Say: Nebula

    Nebulae are huge dust clouds in space. Some come from dying stars. Others are places where stars are born.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Melatonin

    Levels of this hormone rise at night when we are asleep and drop during the day. This helps to control when we sleep and wake up.

  8. Animals

    Scientists Say: Kakapo

    This is a flightless parrot that lives in New Zealand. Unfortunately, there are only 154 of them left.

  9. Earth

    Scientists Say: Stratigraphy

    Stratigraphy is a branch of geology that looks at how rock layers are organized to understand how the world has changed over time.

  10. Tech

    Scientists Say: Engineering

    Want to build a bridge, clean dirty water, make a new drug or build a machine? You’re going to need an engineer — someone who uses science and math to solve practical problems.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Ultrasound

    Ultrasound is a word used to describe any sounds higher than a person can hear. It’s also a technique used to see inside the body.

  12. Environment

    Scientists Say: Runoff

    Water that flows through soil and into rivers, lakes and oceans becomes runoff. That runoff can carry part of the land — including its pollution — to the sea.
