
Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.

  1. Health & Medicine

    Teen depression linked to how the brain processes rewards

    Depression in teens alters their brains’ pathways in ways that may put those kids at risk of lifelong mental-health problems — unless they get help.

  2. Life

    Scientists Say: Egg and sperm

    An egg or a sperm cell contains half of the normal genes an organism needs. They fuse together to form a new individual.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Some young adults will volunteer to get COVID-19 for science

    Researchers will soon give some healthy people the new coronavirus. Their young volunteers have agreed to get sick to speed coronavirus research.

  4. Animals

    Scientists Say: Organelle

    An organelle is a part of a cell with a particular function. Like organs. But for cells.

  5. Space

    Space travel may harm health by damaging cells’ powerhouses

    Biochemical changes after going to space suggest that harm to cells’ energy-producing structures, called mitochondria, could explain astronauts’ health issues.

  6. Brain

    A taste map in the brain is a scattering of tiny flavor islands

    Some senses are highly organized in the brain. Taste is not. And that points to just how important it is.

  7. Animals

    Touching allows octopuses to pre-taste their food

    Special sensory cells in their arms’ suckers sense chemicals. Those cells allow them to taste the difference between food and poison.

  8. Microbes

    Scientists Say: Nucleus

    Nucleus comes from the Latin term “nuc,” meaning nut or kernel. In science there are lots of nuclei. Every one of them is the center of something.

  9. Health & Medicine

    When physicians and veterinarians team up, all species benefit

    When doctors for people and those for animals share their expertise, they can discover new ways to take better medical care of all species.

  10. Genetics

    Gene editing can alter body fat and may fight diabetes

    Researchers have long dreamed of using brown fat to fight obesity and diabetes. Work in animals shows they’re closing in on achieving that dream.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A glowing new way to measure antibodies

    Researchers invent a way to detect and measure antibodies with glowing proteins. Antibodies can mark exposure to various diseases.

  12. Animals

    Superblack fish can disappear in the deep sea’s darkness

    Some fish that live in the ocean’s depths are superblack due to a special layer of light-absorbing structures in their skin.
