
Use mathematical representations to support explanations of how natural selection may lead to increases and decreases of specific traits in populations over time.

  1. Fossils

    Tar pit clues provide ice age news

    New analyses of insects and mammals trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits point to climate surprises during the last ice age.

  2. Archaeology

    Neandertal ancestor?

    Fossils found in a Spanish cave have features that are a combination of Neandertals and other species. The mix suggests Neandertal roots go back even farther than scientists had suspected.

  3. Animals

    When a species can’t stand the heat

    When temperatures rise, New Zealand’s tuatara produce more males. With global warming, that could leave the ancient reptile species with too few females to avoid going extinct.

  4. Life

    Caught in the act

    Scientists observe some evolutionary speed demons as they adapt over the course of just a few years to new environmental conditions.

  5. Chemistry

    A plant enemy’s enemy

    Plants use chemicals to recruit help in fighting off pests.

  6. Fossils

    Dino teeth tell a traveling tale

    Dental evidence from sauropods suggests the mighty beasts migrated for food.

  7. Fossils

    A really big (but extinct) rodent

    A rodent about the size of a bison once roamed the riverbanks of ancient Venezuela.
