Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of energy into and out of Earth systems result in changes in climate.

  1. Earth

    A bold plan to save the planet turns carbon dioxide into stone

    Scientists hope that capturing carbon dioxide this way will limit both further warming of our planet and an escalation of extreme weather events.

  2. Earth

    Let’s learn about tornadoes

    Tornadoes are often spawned by thunderstorms — but can also emerge from hurricanes and wildfires.

  3. Earth

    Climate change is upping the height of Earth’s lower atmosphere

    The upper edge of the troposphere, the slice of sky closest to the ground, rose 50 to 60 meters (165 to 200 feet) a decade from 1980 to 2020.

  4. Climate

    Can scientists develop an icy sanctuary for Arctic life?

    The final refuge for summer sea ice may also protect the creatures that depend on it. Saving it is an ambitious goal with many hurdles.

  5. Life

    From icebergs to smoke, forecasting where dangers will drift

    Smoke drifts. Fish eggs float downstream. Where such drifting things end up may seem a mystery. But research can predict where they’ll end up.

  6. Physics

    Research on climate and more brings trio the 2021 physics Nobel Prize

    Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann pioneered work on simulations of Earth’s climate. Giorgio Parisi probed complex materials.

  7. Environment

    Warming cities may see more rain — and frequent flooding

    Scientists are seeking to understand why and how to mop up excess precipitation.

  8. Earth

    Let’s learn about lightning

    Around 100 times a second, every hour of every day, lightning strikes somewhere on Earth. It’s beautiful — and deadly.

  9. Earth

    Here’s how lightning may help clean the air

    Airplane observations show that storm clouds can generate huge quantities of air-cleansing chemicals known as oxidants.

  10. Earth

    Explainer: What are aerosols?

    We may not see them, but tiny particles and droplets cloud the air, affecting its properties. Some may be pollutants, others all-natural products.

  11. Climate

    Can wildfires cool the climate?

    Severe wildfires are becoming more common. Science is showing that the tiny particles they release into the air can alter Earth’s temperature — sometimes cooling it.

  12. Climate

    Analyze This: 2020 ties with 2016 for hottest year on record

    Last year capped the warmest decade on record. It coincided with a growing increase of warming greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere.
