
Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

  1. Tech

    Auto-focus eyeglasses rely on liquid lenses

    Engineers have designed what could be the last eyeglasses anyone would need. Right now, they’re bulky but smart. Liquid lenses are key to their adjustability — and those lenses focus automatically.

  2. Animals

    Frog’s gift of grab comes from saliva and squishy tissue

    What puts the grip in a frog’s high-speed strike? Quick-change saliva and a super-soft tongue, scientists find.

  3. Animals

    Cool Jobs: Abuzz for bees

    These scientists are keeping bees healthy, making medicines for people from honey and constructing bee-inspired robots.

  4. Tech

    Wired and weird: Meet the cyborg plants

    By mixing electronics with greenery, engineers have made plants that conduct electricity, detect bombs and send email.

  5. Animals

    Scientists Say: Hibernation

    Hibernation is more than a deep sleep. Animals that hibernate lower their body temperature and reduce their body activities for months.

  6. Animals

    How birds know what not to tweet

    How do birds perfect their pitches? The chemical dopamine spikes when they sing right, and dips when they drop a note, new data show.

  7. Brain

    Explainer: What is dopamine?

    Dopamine is a chemical messenger that carries signals between brain cells. It also gets blamed for addiction. And a shortage of it gets blamed for symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson’s.

  8. Brain

    Explainer: What is neurotransmission?

    When brain cells need to pass messages to one another, they use chemicals called neurotransmitters. This sharing of chemical secrets is known as neurotransmission.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Bruxism

    Some people clench their jaw when their stressed. People who do it a lot may have bruxism.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Outdoor time is good for your eyes

    Being outdoors exposes children to bright light that can be good for their eyes. Spending just one extra daylight hour outdoors each week can substantially lower their chance of becoming nearsighted, a study finds.

  11. How not to grin and bear it

    Three teen researchers who took part in this year’s Broadcom MASTERS competition seek to help those who clench and grind their teeth.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Simpler way to screen for hidden hearing loss?

    Many teens today walk around with undiagnosed hearing damage. But some Boston-based researchers have come up with a low-tech approach to screening these individuals so they can get help.
