Engineering Design

  1. Climate

    Fast sea level rise is a very recent change

    Sea levels have been rising for more than a century. But that rise is now speeding up. That suggests that what is driving the rise — climate change — also has increased dramatically in recent years.

  2. Animals

    How birds stay in the air

    The sensors inside a boxy device measure the forces generated with each stroke of a bird’s wings. Learning how much force is needed to keep a bird aloft could help in designing future drones that flap, hover and dart.

  3. Brain

    A new ‘spin’ on concussions

    Scientists have suspected that rotational forces in the brain may underlie concussions. A new study used athletic mouthguards containing sensors. Data on head movements during collisions suggest that a twisting of the brain may underlie mild brain injuries, including concussion.

  4. Physics

    Machine simulates the sun’s core

    A machine heats iron atoms to temperatures that match the interior of the sun. This has helped solve a solar mystery.

  5. Health & Medicine

    New germ fighter turns up in dirt

    Scientists have found a compound in soil that can kill the microbes that cause anthrax, tuberculosis and other diseases.

  6. Computing

    Virtual wounds: Computers probe healing

    To better understand how the body heals wounds, scientists have begun creating computer programs that let virtual cells fight it out. These ‘computer games’ could lead to better medicines.

  7. Tech

    Rewritable paper: Prints with light, not ink

    Rewritable paper could save money, preserve forests and cut down on waste — and all without using any ink.

  8. Computing

    Explainer: What is a computer model?

    Computer models use data, math and computer instructions to predict events in the real world.

  9. Tech

    Make your own mini hovercraft

    Hovercraft aren’t just the cars of the future. You can make your own with just a few household items.

  10. Brain

    Magnets may make helmets safer

    Magnets in sports helmets could repel players’ heads as they move toward a collision. This should reduce the risk of the hard hits that lead to concussions.

  11. Genetics

    Why animals often ‘stand in’ for people

    Rats, birds, fish — even flies and worms — can stand in for people in laboratory testing. This allows scientists to safely evaluate harmful chemicals as well as to identify and test potential new drugs. But such tests will never be a foolproof gauge of effects in people.

  12. Tech

    Wind power is looking up — to the clouds

    Placing wind turbines high in the sky could let them harvest power from the faster, more reliable winds found at altitude.
