
Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems of different scales.

  1. Agriculture

    Sneaky! Virus sickens plants, but helps them multiply

    The cucumber mosaic virus helps tomato plants lure pollinators. When the plants multiply, the virus now gets new hosts.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Cool Jobs: Linking animal health to human health

    Scientists who watch out for diseases in wild animals also can play a role in keeping people from getting sick.

  3. Ecosystems

    Algae embedded in sea ice drive the Arctic food web

    Scientists traced where zooplankton in the Arctic get their energy from. Many open ocean species rely on algae found in sea ice, which is disappearing.

  4. Genetics

    GM mosquitoes cut rate of viral disease in Brazil

    Adults males carrying the altered gene cannot father young that survive to adulthood. That’s when they suck blood — and can transmit disease.

  5. Fossils

    Parasites wormed their way into dino’s gut

    Tiny burrows crisscross the stomach of a 77-million-year-old dinosaur fossil. These may be tracks left behind by slimy parasitic worms.

  6. Oceans

    Seafloor hosts surprising number of deep-sea vents

    A new sensor detects changes in seawater chemistry and finds far more ecosystem-supporting seafloor vents than scientists had believed were out there.

  7. Animals

    Catching ‘Dory’ fish can poison entire coral reef ecosystems

    More than half of saltwater-aquarium fish sold in the United States may have been caught in the wild using cyanide, new data show.

  8. Environment

    Fighting big farm pollution with a tiny plant

    Fertilizer runoff can fuel the growth of toxic algae nearby lakes. A teen decided to harness a tiny plant to sop up that fertilizer.

  9. Genetics

    Why some frogs can survive killer fungal disease

    A disease is wiping out amphibian species around the globe. New research shows how some frogs develop immunity.

  10. Environment

    Uh oh! Baby fish prefer plastic to real food

    Given a choice, baby fish will eat plastic microbeads instead of real food. That plastic stunts their growth and makes them easier prey for predators.

  11. Animals

    The shocking electric eel!

    Electric eels are fascinating animals. Their powerful zaps can act like a radar system, trick fish into revealing their location and then freeze their prey’s movements.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Newly discovered microbe keeps teeth healthy

    A newfound bacterium halts the tooth erosion that leads to cavities. This germ or one like it might one day be added to toothpaste or mouthwash.
