
Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.

  1. Chemistry

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    The catalyst is an improvement over its predecessors. Made of cheap materials like iron, it produces jet fuel in a single step.

  2. Chemistry

    Study acid-base chemistry with at-home volcanoes

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  3. Physics

    The exotic ‘atom’ positronium surprises scientists

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  4. Tech

    Here’s one way to harvest water right out of the air

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  5. Chemistry

    Batteries should not burst into flames

    Because lithium-ion batteries power modern life, they need to store a lot of energy. Now scientists are focusing on making them safer.

  6. Chemistry

    Explainer: What the pH scale tells us

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  7. Chemistry

    Chemistry’s ever-useful periodic table celebrates a big birthday

    2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table. But the traditional chart is just one of many shapes that chemists and other scientists have developed to organize the elements.

  8. Chemistry

    Explainer: What are acids and bases?

    These chemistry terms tell us if a molecule is more likely to give up a proton or pick up a new one.

  9. Climate

    Explainer: The making of a snowflake

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  10. Earth

    Explainer: Why sea levels aren’t rising at the same rate globally

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  11. Earth

    Explainer: CO2 and other greenhouse gases

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  12. Animals

    Cool Jobs: A world aglow

    Three scientists probe how the natural world makes light, in hopes of using this information to design new and better products.
