Matter and Its Interactions

  1. Chemistry

    Experiment: Test the effect of temperature on reaction time

    Alka-Seltzer tablets fizzle furiously when dropped into water. Can you make Alka-Seltzer fizz faster or more loudly by changing the water’s temperature?

  2. Materials Science

    Analyze This: A new fabric mimics polar bears’ pelts for warmth

    With layers that work like polar bears’ skin and fur, a material absorbs light and keeps it from escaping.

  3. Physics

    Scientists Say: Explosion

    Explosions happen when chemical or nuclear reactions blow out a lot of heat, noise and expanding gas.

  4. Tech

    Nanocrystal ‘painted’ films may someday help relieve summer heat

    The rainbow palette and cooling powers of new plant-based films comes from their microscopic surface patterns of tiny crystals.

  5. Tech

    A new solar-powered gel purifies water in a flash

    The unusual, fruit-inspired structure of this material provides quick filtration that could satisfy people's daily water needs.

  6. Animals

    These beetles ‘drink’ water using their butts

    Red flour beetles can survive in very dry environments. New research shows how the beetles can suck water from the air using their rear ends.

  7. Tech

    Magnetic fields melt and re-form new shape-shifting devices

    Miniature machines made of gallium and magnetic particles can switch from solid to liquid and back.

  8. Chemistry

    Chemists have unlocked the secrets of long-lasting Roman concrete

    By searching ancient texts and ruins, scientists found a concrete recipe that could make buildings stronger — and help address climate change.

  9. Environment

    Sea life may suffer as plastic bits alter metals in water

    This interplay between plastics and metals could affect how each affects the environment — and suggests opportunities for controlling their risks.

  10. Animals

    Let’s learn about frogs

    Frogs are a fascinating bunch of amphibians. Unfortunately, they’re also dying off in huge numbers.

  11. Tech

    Think of this new tech as sunglasses for our windows

    Keeping buildings cool can use a lot of energy. Thanks to quantum computing, engineers designed a coating to cut the warming light that enters windows.

  12. Climate

    Creating less new stuff could greatly help Earth’s climate

    Instead of throwing unneeded things away, scientists recommend moving to a cycle of reducing, reusing, repairing and remaking old things into new ones.
