
Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems.

  1. Animals

    Catching ‘Dory’ fish can poison entire coral reef ecosystems

    More than half of saltwater-aquarium fish sold in the United States may have been caught in the wild using cyanide, new data show.

  2. Genetics

    Why some frogs can survive killer fungal disease

    A disease is wiping out amphibian species around the globe. New research shows how some frogs develop immunity.

  3. Animals

    Scientists Say: Copepod

    Copepods are tiny crustaceans. They eat phytoplankton and float in the water column, although some live in freshwater and on the sea floor.

  4. Animals

    Spiders eat insects — and sometimes veggies

    Plant-eating spiders have been found on every continent except Antarctica, a new study notes.

  5. Animals

    Parasites give brine shrimp super powers

    When infected with parasitic worms, brine shrimp survive better in waters laced with toxic arsenic, a new study finds.

  6. Plants

    Before eating, Venus flytraps must ‘count’

    Researchers find that Venus flytraps respond to the number of times insects touch their sensory hairs. This tells them when it’s time to turn on digestion.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Zika virus raises alarm as it spreads in the Americas

    Zika virus has been in Africa and Asia for decades. But is has now spread to the Americas. And it may cause a devastating birth defect.

  8. Plants

    Banana threat: Attack of the clones

    Researchers find that disease-causing fungi — all clones of one another — will continue to infect banana plants unless new steps are taken to stop their spread.

  9. Genetics

    Taking attendance with eDNA

    Environmental DNA, or eDNA, tells biologists what species are in an area — even when they’re out of sight.

  10. Environment

    Wildlife forensics turns to eDNA

    Environmental DNA, or eDNA, tells biologists what species have been around — even when they’re out of sight or have temporarily moved on.

  11. Brain

    Explainer: What is anxiety?

    Anxiety is the stress linked to worries about an upcoming event — one that may not even happen. But anxiety can affect the body every bit as much as does the stress provoked by staring down a hungry lion.

  12. Environment

    Humans are ‘superpredators’

    A new study compares the hunting habits of wild animals and humans. People, it turns out, are unlike any other predator on Earth.
